To avoid any kind of violation and misuse Zeeshsoft do everything by hosting provider who used its service, automated system emails, customer portals, web booking sites, and payment sites. A lot of contents are managed and transferred by users but Zeeshsoft has never been involved in all over the content which is displayed and uploaded and also, we have no control over the emails directed by the system.
If you find any wrong content in our website uploaded by the user, you can complain to us. And please inform us if you get an email from the Zeeshsoft server so, it can be solved quickly.
Send email to with the following details:
You must have to inform us via email if you are sure about any illegal use of Zeeshsoft web payment page, customer portal, and booking page which describe itself improper or may impact your company showing a certified representative of your company.
Send an email at with following details:
1) Mailing address
2) Your name and complete title
3) Email address
4) Mention “IMPERSONATION ABUSE REPORT” in subject line
5) Your current mobile phone number
6) Must send URL(s) of those pages which possess unauthorized or fraudulent information according to you.
7) Provide a short report with authentic reasons why these pages represent impersonation on your company.
1) Mailing address
2) Your name along with your company name
3) Email address
4) Your current Mobile Phone number
5) The name of the website is showing alleged violation on the hosted page of Zeeshsoft or company name which reportedly infringing the Copyright/Trademark.
6) A URL page that you think to be violating your Copyright/Trademark.
7) The clear and proper description that why and how your Copyright/Trademark property has been infringed. It must consist of the following details: