Cross-domain. User-focused. Result-driven
To solve your complex business obstacles, tap into our multi-year experience and cross-domain competencies in software development. To reach new markets, build customer-focused solutions and achieve significant business results across various verticals.
In online video development, tap into Zeeshsoft’s long-horned expertise to cover the whole VoD workflow with a single technology..
Allow administrators and content creators to upload as many videos as they want–of whatever size and in whatever format–and to handle them in a single system.
Protect your licensed content—either commercial or not—from unauthorized and access with the help of access control, DRM, watermarking, encryption, content protection, and more.
Take a step towards a multi-CDN technique to scale video delivery at a glance for a completely virtual infinite number of viewers spread all over the world.
Take a step towards a multi-CDN technique to scale video delivery at a glance for a completely virtual infinite number of viewers spread all over the world.
Implement a high and fast Customizable video player that will facilitate the variety of formats and devices as well as allow top most capabilities such as DRM, multi-bitrate streaming, viewership data analytics, VR, advertising, and 360-degree video playback. Control every bit of your player’s feel and look, including size, fonts, colour, branding and buttons
Bring out the new level of engagement beyond intuitive interfaces, advance discovery tools and quality content. Binge-watching features, leverage personalized recommendations and more to allow experiences tailored to each viewer based on their interests—analyzed and tracked across platforms and devices.
To deliver the best viewer experience on any device and to transform your video into different formats, take full advantage of adaptive bitrate technologies and smart transcoding. Output video files based on viewers changing device capabilities and connection speed must be optimized by ensuring uninterrupted playback.
Through a successful marriage of your VoD solution, make the most of your video investment with the existing enterprise systems such as CRM, CMS, LMS or MAP. These integrations can be used to align the delivery of your video with the company’s sales, marketing, training and other workflows.
Post-roll, pre-roll and mid-roll commercials can be delivered with the help of programmatic integration and advertising with SSPs and ad networks. Tap into client-side(CSAI) ad insertion or server-side (SSAI) to bypass blockers fluently serve ads on all devices.
Manage your subscribers, offer multiple promotional incentives and pricing options and use analytics to ensure growth and retention. Your VoD solutions must be integrated with popular payment solutions. Test and experiment regularly to find out what works good for your audiences and content.
Provide content for rental and sale, charging viewers based on viewing period. Enable both downloading videos for offline viewing and watching videos on the website and save your premium content with the help of DRM solution such as Wide vine, Fair play and PlayReady.